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Buddy Program Guidelines and Details

(Inspired/borrowed/edited from San Mateo County HR)
Reviewed/edited by Jacqueline Silver on 4/26/2021
Reviews/edited by Membership Committee on 5/9/2021

Table of Contents

Quick Overview for Buddies
What is a WSTB Buddy?
Who Can Be A Buddy?
Goals of the Buddy Program
Roles of the Buddy
A Buddy Does Not
Roles of the Buddy Program Coordinator
Buddy Program FAQs


Quick Overview for Buddies

Each month, get a list of new Timebank members to call from the Buddy Coordinator.

  • Call each member between 1 pm and 5 pm, Monday through Thursday. (Friday, Saturday, and Sundays are holy days.)
  • Introduce yourself as a Timebank member and that you are their assign buddy.
  • Ask if this is a convenient time to talk.
  • Describe the Welcome package and email it to them.


What is a WSTB Buddy?

A Buddy is an experienced and engaged WSTB member who has a good understanding of the program.  They are willing to provide time, be accessible for and partner/support the new member during their first few months of membership in the WSTB.  The ideal Buddy is a resource who is friendly, interpersonally effective, demonstrates patience, and is a positive role model with good communication skills.  The estimated time commitment for the Buddy varies but is approximately <six to ten hours> per new member for about the first three months of new membership.

Who Can Be A Buddy?

Timebank members can volunteer to participate in the program. They will be assigned a new member by the Timebank Buddy Coordinator.  The Coordinator is expected to review the program’s guidelines with the volunteering member prior to them meeting the new member.  This meeting will include a discussion about the program’s goals as well expectations of them in their role.


Goals of the Buddy Program


  • To assist in helping new members feel welcomed and connected during their initial encounters/transactions with the Timebank
  • To encourage and assist new members with creating their profile and becoming active in posting requests and offers.
  • To assist new members in navigating the Timebank website (profiles, posting transactions, etc.).


Role of the Buddy

  • Introduce yourself and welcome the new member during their first week of membership.
  • Invite new members to WSTB meetings and remind them of meetings and special events.
  • Refer new members for specific programs (orientations, member meetings).
  • Plan to follow up with them on a weekly/biweekly/monthly basis <for the first 3 months>. Use your judgement. Ask the new member and follow their lead for frequency.
  • Provide them with information and answer their questions to help them become acclimated and feel comfortable.
  • Give the new member an opportunity to connect with their Buddy and their peers.
  • Always remain professional



A Buddy Does Not

  • Act as the “go-to” person to post exchanges, provide technical training, etc.
  • Act as a computer technical support or
  • Act as a writing coach



Role of the Buddy Program Coordinator

  • Provide guidelines and act as a sounding board for buddies.
  • Ensure that participation in the program is strictly voluntary.
  • Ensure that the Buddy will have time to be accessible to the new member.
  • Check in with the Buddy and new member regularly to assess if the “Buddy Role” is helpful.
  • Make suggestions (to Membership Committee) for program improvements and modifications where appropriate.
  • On a monthly basis, obtain a list of new members, their phone numbers and/or email addresses sorted by zip codes or area. 

    How to Make a List of New Members:
  1. Go to Member Reports - Gear icon top right > Member Accounts.
  2. Default filters (Member, Enabled) are fine.
  3. To the top and right of the list, next to Show, click By Join Date, and then click the arrow to change the direction to sort Descending.
  4. You can then click through individually, or you can export the list.

        To export:

  1. Above the list and toward the left, click the dropdown arrow to select Add ### matching members.
  2. In the member actions dropdown, click Export.
  3. Click Export
  4. That will get you a CSV file with more than you ever wanted to know. You may have to re-sort by join date.


Buddy Program FAQs

  1. What are the benefits of serving as a buddy?
    This is your opportunity to help someone else have a great experience. Think back to what you wish you had known when you first started! We will have an annual in-person celebration for all buddies.

  2. What qualities make a good buddy candidate? Qualities that make for a good buddy include:
  • You are open to helping others, such as new members.
  • You have a good understanding of how to navigate the Timebank website.
  • You have the time to make a commitment to being a buddy (see question #3 below).
  • You are invested in making sure that new members have a rewarding and positive experience with Timebank.
  1. What kind of time requirement are we talking about?
    You would be a buddy to a new member for 3 months, meeting as needed (monthly?) during that time period.
    A minimum one-year commitment is desirable to help manage turnover/training. You may not always have an active new member.

  2. It sounds like you have to know everything to be a good buddy.
    No, you would only be responsible for sharing information, your own experience and providing your own perspective. If you don't know the answer to a question, that's fine – you can also always ask your Buddy program coordinator for help. You can refer the new member to subject matter experts for help as needed.

  3. Do I need to report back on how things are going with the new member as their buddy?
    However, program feedback is encouraged (both for the ‘Buddy’ program and Timebank in general) to help continually improve and refine. Although you should attend a Coordinators’ Buddy program orientation, you are not under any obligation to "report back."

  4. What if I’m assigned to be a buddy and it’s not a good fit? Can I be reassigned? Talk to the Buddy Coordinator to determine a plan forward.
  1. If I have additional questions about the buddy program, who should I ask? Feel free to contact the Buddy Coordinator with any questions.

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